How many people are flat earthers
How many people are flat earthers

how many people are flat earthers

While at the same time “belief” in a flat earth is portrayed by the educational authorities as evidence of abject ignorance, or even insanity. Flat Earthers are not ignorant or insane.

how many people are flat earthers

In order to control the masses, the heliocentric model was introduced early and often so that it is a deeply ingrained belief.

how many people are flat earthers

What’s the perception of a Flat Earther versus the reality? We spoke to Nathan Thompson who, for a long time, has been apart of the Flat Earthers. NASA have been the punchline of their jokes for years and have claimed their discoveries are apart of a governmental cover-up. For long-standing Flat Eathers, that is old news. There is a belief in the Flat Earth Theory community that NASA is doctoring their images and that the agency is considered untrustworthy. I remember thinking, ‘These are people who truly value knowledge, and they do so at a real cost-social stigma.The Flat Earth Theory is the ultimate conspiracy that is debated by two strongly opinionated, opposing sides. On another level, it seemed to me that some of the method used by this supposedly ridiculous group was far closer to the method of the aforementioned giants than what we see today from science as a whole. Something about it just resonated with me-not only on a personal level, but also on a strictly logical level. During this period of study and examination I came to some literature from the Flat Earth Society. This led me to a lengthy study into various ways we view the world, both orthodox and unorthodox, and their rational consequences and foundations.

how many people are flat earthers

One could say like many today that up to this point I was standing on the shoulders of giants, but I had a deaf ear to both what they had to say about the matter as well as what assumptions they had to take to lead them to their position. “One day while walking in the woods as a young man I had a notable experience that lead me to question everything I’ve taken for granted as true over the years all those things we simply accept without properly examining their logical and rational basis and foundations.

How many people are flat earthers